When I met Greg he had never been on a horse. He expressed a desire to join me on trail rides so he took a few lessons. Very few lessons. One day we decided to go on a family ride with my niece Michelle, a couple of other adults, and two or three children. Greg rode Buddy, a 16-year-old Morgan that Michelle was trying to sell.
We started up the trail out of Soderberg (Horsetooth Resevoir). Michelle was in front, with Greg directly behind her. Next came the other adults, the children, and I was last in line. We were moving along at a trot when suddenly I saw Michelle and Greg take off at a run. “That’s the last I’ll ever see of him,” I thought to myself. The trail was winding, rocky, and somewhat technical. I was unable to move out as the children were in front of me and I had stayed back to keep an eye on them. We eventually caught up with them in a little meadow. Greg was grinning from ear to ear. So was Michelle. Buddy was sold.
Greg is one of few adults who have a natural ability to ride. He is very balanced and didn’t know enough to be afraid. To his credit, Buddy is the kind of horse who does everything in his power to keep you in the saddle. Just let him go fast, hang on, and he will see that you get there. Wherever “there” is. And if “there” is back at the trailer, even better.